
Thought of the Day
A corporate pilot has the unique function of providing safe air transport while carefully coordinating with the top executives of his/her organization to meet their individual requirements
for each trip.
The crew briefing is where the flying pilot explains his plan (takeoff or landing) to the non-flying pilot(s). This is a critcal keystone to a safe cockpit. Prepare for the worst and you won't be
surprised the very few times it happens.
Never forget in a glass cockpit the map is a virtual map. It may or may not be correct. It is generated by computers. You must always verify your position on the map by radio or satellite
update. Map shift can have fatal outcomes
Always verify prior to brake release the weather and notams at your destination. This is the voice of experience speaking. You never want to hear approach control say - "Airport closed, say
Never forget in a glass cockpit the map is a virtual map. It may or may not be correct. It is generated by computers. You must always verify your position on the map by radio or satellite
update. Map shift can have fatal outcomes
A good description of the
#pilotlife , thousands of hours of total boredom with a few
minutes of total terror for good measure. A good pilot is always standing by for the few minutes when her/she may be needed.
Today I will be in Seattle. I wanted to say a word of thanks to all the Captains and Instructors that taught me important habits which kept me alive while flying Boeings. You can only learn from
experienced pilots; there is no substitute.
Met a couple of pilots in the elevator last night. Got off on the third floor together. All of us were trying to remember our room numbers. The life of a pilot spending to much time in too many
different hotels. Comments or stories ?
This recruitment ad reminds of the "B" scales of 30+ years ago. You ask a young pilot to spend $100K on training. Then try to convince him/her that benefits, per diem, and bonus are all to be
considered as salary. WRONG. Pilots beware.
Good cockpit rule is the second response rule. If the other pilot does not respond to a callout or correction a second time, you must react, something is not right. Your next words should be -
"My controls". That is why there are 2 pilots.Never forget you are human and you will make mistakes. The most dangerous pilot is one who believes he or she will never mess up.
From the public's perspective pilots appear to be "health conscious". The only reason for that is all of us are only one medical check away from pilot unemployment.
Sometimes new or modern day avionics can be confusing to old worn out pilots.
Inexperienced pilots struggles to learn what is normal is during a flight. Experienced pilots must fight the complacency that the repetitive flights bring on. That is where you can
miss critical items on the checklist
Someone must always Fly The Airplane. The captain must assure someone is in control of the plane in all circumstance. Eastern 401 is an example of a crew missing this step